How To Play



  • Escape - Open menu
  • Left Mouse - Select objects
  • Right Mouse / Backspace - Deselect object
  • . (Period) - Increase simulation speed
  • , (Comma) - Decrease simulation speed
  • / - Pause simulation
  • F5 - Save game
  • F7 - Load game
  • F10 - Toggle UI
  • F12 - Report Bug / Give Feedback


  • Tab - Swap camera between build site and launch pad
  • WASD / Arrow Keys - Camera movement
  • Q / E - Camera height
  • Middle Mouse / Alt - Rotate camera
  • Hold Shift - Increase camera movement speed
  • F - Focus Camera on currently selected vehicle
  • Up / Down Num Pad Arrows (8 / 2) - Swap telemetry camera
  • Left / Right Num Pad Arrows (4 / 6) - Swap telemetry vehicle


  • Left Mouse / Spacebar - Place current building
  • Right Mouse / Backspace - Cancel while building
  • R / Scroll Wheel - Rotate building
  • Hold Shift & Left Click - Place multiple buildings
  • Delete - Delete or scrap currently selected object
  • 1, 2, 3, 4 - Swap between build types

Gameplay Tutorial

In Starship Factory, your mission is to construct and streamline the production line for the world's largest rocket: Starship. For the time being, we will start with the legendary StarHopper. We won't get very far into production without first obtaining some raw materials. Raw materials are delivered to your factory's build site. Build a Delivery Platform and select Raw Steel. After a short time, the delivery will arrive.

Build mode

Delivery Platform

Raw Steel

Building StarHopper

Now that steel is available, we need to turn Raw Steel into Steel Rings. This process occurs at the Fabricator. Construct one not too far away from the Delivery Platform. A Crane Worker will bring the Steel to the Fabricator. Workers are crucial to the operation of your factory and are hired from the Logistics building.

Make sure to keep the Fabricator producing Steel Rings. To build StarHopper, we will need a total of 6 Steel Rings. These rings will be turned into two 3 Stacks.


Steel Ring


Welding Ring Sections

Let's start welding some Steel Rings together to form the body of StarHopper. Build a Stack Welder somewhere close to the Fabricator. Next, we need to create a couple 2 Stacks. A 2 Stack consists of two Steel Rings welded together. Once selected, workers will bring the Steel Rings from the Fabricator to the Stack Welder. Create two 2 Stacks.

Next we will turn the 2 Stacks into 3 Stacks. We need to weld another Steel Ring onto each of the 2 Stacks.

Lastly, set your Stack Welder to assemble the StarHopper Tank to weld everything together. Once completed, StarHopper can be sent to the launch site to test or build a Nosecone to stack onto it.

Starship Factory allows players to follow SpaceX's trajectory or pioneer their own direction!

Stack Welder

2 Stack

3 Stack
